Monday, September 12, 2016

New Weird Response

Being a huge zombie fan I read The Walking Dead by Robert Kirkman and Tony Moore. I first enjoyed reading this because it is a graphic novel. I’m not a big fan of reading so I try my best to find reading material that is exactly like this graphic novel. However, personally I think the word “weird” has no set definition, because it’s different for everyone. Personally I think “weird” is something that is out of the ordinary for a specific person or something that makes someone uncomfortable. For example, I find spiders gross and weird, but some enjoy spiders and don’t think they’re gross.

There are also people who enjoy the “weird”, they find it very compelling. I don’t know why exactly people enjoy the “weird”, but I have a thought that it is something like why people enjoy horror movies. People get a drive from what is weird, they enjoy the suspense of what’s going to happen I suppose or being out of the ordinary. For example, the movie watches in class today where the man and woman enjoy pain and got a drive from it. Not saying they thought it was weird, but to others it’s weird and that’s why the man and woman enjoyed it too.

Now The Walking Dead is something “weird” too, but people still enjoy watching movies and reading about them. I think the whole thought is “weird” because it’s something that isn’t today in our time. It’s something people know can possibly happen and there have been incidences where something similar has happened, but not like The Walking Dead. I think people keep watching and reading things about zombies because they know it can happen so they enjoy the idea of it actually happening by watching them. I think The Walking Dead was very interesting and weird and I love everything about Zombies because they’re weird.

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