The story Kwaidan: Stories and Studies of Strange Things was very interesting to read actually. I have read some Japanese Horror Stories, but not enough to be familiar with them. However, I believe reading this gave me a perspective of what to expect when reading these types of stories. For example, what I've noticed especially in Kwaidan was that Karma was big thing. Sort of like the saying "what comes around, goes around". Also tying into the whole Karma deal, selfish/materialistic it is known as a type of sin. To me the story was simply a ghost story, Japanese horror tends to focus more on curses involving the themes of revenge and grudges which I find very fascinating. These's a lot more honor and trust in these types of movies that often get broken in some type of way, shape or form. This also ties into the whole honor and dishonor ritual type stories and traditions. All and all this story was not a heroic Japanese story, which I enjoyed very much.
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